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The PushPier System was installed to permanently stabilize the home's settling foundation.
The best way to permanently fix sagging crawl space floor problems is to install SmartJack stabilizing posts beneath the beam that supports your crawl space joists.
When moisture and frost interact with the soil around your home, the soil expands. As a result of expansion, your foundation wall experiences constant inward pressure, causing cracking, bowing, and tipping. With CarbonArmor, the foundation wall is permanently stabilized with fiber-reinforced polymers that are 10x stronger than steel, yet flexible enough to contour tightly.
A full wall of a basement was in danger of impairing the integrity of the homes foundation. We were able to identify the issue and save the wall by repairing it with Carbon Armor Strap System.
Basement Waterproofing with Cleanspace in Catawissa, PA
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